Thursday, September 20, 2018

DJI Inspire/ RedEdge Checklist

One of the most crucial parts to any flight operation are the use of checklists. There is a reason that the aviation industry is so much safer than the automobile industry. No one in their right mind would spend time before and after they drive their car just to carefully look things over, but this is different when you're dealing with anything that flies. Recently we were challenged to make a pre-flight and post-flight checklist for both the DJI Inspire and the Micasense RedEdge sensor. I was paired with Ryan Ferguson to compile this list and recently we were able to go out to Dr. Hupy's house (my UAS Capstone Professor) to put it into action. We were each given the opportunity to fly the Inspire and I was shocked by how fluid the quadcopter handled. Before and after each flight we made practice of using the checklist shown below and all safety precautions were met.

1. Controller
Charged, turned on, sticks free of obstruction
2. Tablet
Fully Charged, plugged into controller
3. Antennas
In proper orientation
4. DJI Go app
On screen and ready for aircraft
5. Home Point
Accurately set for emergency return to home
6. Maximum Flight Altitude
Set for 400 feet
7. Satellites
Signal is locked
1. NOTAMs and TFRs
Ensure none are active
2. Airspace
5 Miles from any airport
4. Flight Plan
Confirmed with visual observer or camera operator
5. Bystanders
Clear of operating area
6. Weather
Winds below 20 mph
Clouds above 500 ft
Visibility 1 SM
7. Takeoff/landing area
Sufficiently large, clear of power lines or obstacles
1. Aircraft
Removed from case, level
2. Propellers
Free of defects, clean, installed on motors
3. Camera gimbal
Connected and secure
4. SD card
Installed, has free space
5. Batteries
Fully charged, contacts clean
6. Arm mechanisms
Clear of debris
7. Motors
Clear of FOD
RedEdge Power up
1. SD card
Installed, has free space
2. Lenses
No scratches, clean, free from obstructions
3. Power cable
Connected, secured
4. GPS
Connected, secured
Verify date, time
Wait for GPS fix
5. Camera
Power on, start up complete with blinking LED
6. Device
Connect to WiFi- redegeXXXXXX
Password- micasense
7. Web browser
Open and point to
Select home page
8. Voltage
Verify 4.0 to 5.5 V DC, green background
9. Auto-capture
Verify correct mode, press save after all changes
RedEdge Reflectance Panel Images
1. Live View
Page Selected
2. Panel
Placed on ground, away from obstructions
3. Camera
Pointed at reflectance panel
Perpendicular to panel
Ensure panel fills half of the field of view
Verify no shadows on panel, Direct sunlight
4. Correct Image
Press capture button on live view page
Verify image is captured
5. Test
Take at least two pictures
Power up
1. Batteries
Connected, powered on
2. DJI Go app
Aircraft connected
3. SD card
Format as necessary
4. Minimum return height
Adjusted to appropriate value
5. Frequency
Clear channel selected
6. Compass
7. All devices
Airplane mode
8. Camera lenses
RedEdge Before Flight
1. LED Status
Confirm green LED in front of camera
2. Timer Mode (if applicable)
Go to live view page
Verify capture at desired interval
3. External Trigger Mode (if applicable)
Force a manual trigger capture using transmitter
Go to live view page
Verify image captured
1. Departure briefing
2. Controller
Home set, P-GPS
3. DJI Go app
Launch, on-screen checks complete
4. Hover
Look and listen for any defects, ensure proper gimbal movement.
5. DJI Go app
Free of errors

1. Flight mode
2. Announce
3. Throttle
4. Motors
5. Aircraft
Red Edge Post-flight
1. Camera
Connect to Wifi capable device
2. SD card
Verify free space
3. Timer Mode (if applicable)
In settings page click stop button
4. Panel images
Obtain images using same process as before
5. Power off
Hold power button for at least 4 seconds

Shut Down
1. Aircraft battery
Powered off, removed
2. Controller
Powered off, DJI Go app closed
3. Props
Removed and cleaned
4. Gimbal
Removed, SD card retrieved
5. Red Edge
Removed, SD card retrieved
6. Aircraft
Condition, returned to case
7. SD Cards

Imagery verified

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